Our office will be closed Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents' Day. For your convenience, the following systems will remain active during this time:
• Online Payments & EFT Account Management
• EZpay Phone System: (810) 600-3555
• Online Claims Systems
• After Hours Claims: (800) 837-7674
Can I get insurance coverage for my home electronics, mechanical equipment, and major appliances?
Yes. Many insurance companies offer an endorsement that covers home electronics, mechanical equipment, and major appliances.
For example, Pioneer State Mutual policyholders can add the “Equipment Breakdown Endorsement” to their homeowners policies. With this coverage, Pioneer will cover “sudden and accidental failure” for equipment such as air conditioning units, refrigerators, media electronics, and outside yard maintenance machinery up to a specified limit.
Please be reminded, normal wear and tear is not part of this coverage.