Our office will be closed Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents' Day. For your convenience, the following systems will remain active during this time:

• Online Payments & EFT Account Management
• EZpay Phone System: (810) 600-3555
• Online Claims Systems
• After Hours Claims: (800) 837-7674

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Helping our Neighbors
There are some catastrophes that would simply be impossible to bear alone. From house fires to weather damage to car crashes, these tragedies can cause financial and physical difficulties that can dramatically impact a person’s life. That’s where insurance steps in.

Insurance is a social mechanism designed to give people peace of mind in the face of risk and spread the burden of an individual’s catastrophic loss across a group of people. Without it, victims of disasters and accidents are often left struggling to pick up the pieces and start over. However, with insurance, we can work together to help our neighbors bounce back after a catastrophe and return to their daily lives. Then, if the day comes when we find ourselves facing a disaster, we too have the help and resources available to get our lives back to normal.

Our goal at Pioneer State Mutual Insurance is to make a difference across Michigan by preventing individuals from needing to carry the weight of a tragedy alone. That’s why we focus on offering an array of coverage options, giving you the assurance you need so if disaster does strike, we’ll be here to help. Pioneer’s products are sold through Independent Insurance Agents across the state. Visit our Agency Locator map for one near you.