Our office will be closed Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents' Day. For your convenience, the following systems will remain active during this time:
• Online Payments & EFT Account Management
• EZpay Phone System: (810) 600-3555
• Online Claims Systems
• After Hours Claims: (800) 837-7674
It was the early 1900s, and as severe storms passed through Michigan, farmers across the land feared the weather would ravage their livelihoods.
Michigan businessman George Whitaker grew tired of seeing countless neighbors’ farms go up in smoke from these sudden strikes of lightning. He knew that despite the terrorizing fear locals had of the storms, many could not afford the very expensive fire insurance, so he devised a revolutionary idea.
Whitaker designed a plan to sell lightning rods and insurance. Farm owners who purchased a lightning rod would receive an insurance discount, thus keeping them both safe and secure in case of a loss.
In order to better promote his ideas, he recruited the cooperation of prominent local landowners Travis Leach and George Foster. Together, the men sought out other Michigan businessmen to help move their ideas forward.
Finally, in 1908 the group joined forces to create a mutual insurance company entitled “Farmer’s Mutual Lightning Protected Fire Insurance Company of Michigan, Ltd,” and so our story began.
From that point on, our company rapidly grew. It left behind its beginnings in Mr. Whitaker’s home and through the years moved through several different office buildings around Mid-Michigan. As our businesses and coverage lines expanded, we also went through a journey of name changes that eventually led us to “Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company.”
Throughout our entire history and continuing today, Pioneer State Mutual has been committed to our farming neighbors. We understand the need for trustworthy, encompassing coverage. That’s why, just like our founders, we continue to offer discounts for safe practices and reliable coverage to protect your farms and families.
Pioneer State Mutual works hand-in-hand with our Independent Agents to get you the coverage you need. If you’d like more information on our coverage options contact an agent in your area by clicking here.