Our office will be closed Monday, February 17th in honor of Presidents' Day. For your convenience, the following systems will remain active during this time:

• Online Payments & EFT Account Management
• EZpay Phone System: (810) 600-3555
• Online Claims Systems
• After Hours Claims: (800) 837-7674

Continue to the Pioneer Website

Cyber Suite
Computers, networks and electronic data are essential to doing business. Reliance on digital tools brings serious cyber risks, such as hacking and data breaches. Small and mid-sized businesses are particularly enticing targets for cyber thieves. Businesses who maintain confidential information about employees and customers have a responsibility to safeguard that data. Now more than ever, getting comprehensive cyber protection in place is critical for any business. Cyber Suite Coverage is a newly designed, comprehensive coverage with multiple layers of insurance defense against the complex, ever-evolving cyber risks that businesses face every day.

Check out the e-Brochure


Employment Practices Liability (EPL)
In today’s workplace, small business owners must protect themselves from employment claims such as discrimination, wrongful termination and harassment. EPL insurance from Pioneer State Mutual pays for liability damages and defense costs due to these charges brought by full-time, part-time, temporary or seasonal employees. This coverage can also be extended to include claims from vendors, customers and job applicants.

Check out the e-Brochure


Equipment Breakdown
With our industry-leading Equipment Breakdown coverage and services, we help keep your business one step ahead. Our coverage protects a wide array of pressure, electrical and mechanical equipment against sudden and accidental damage caused by electrical arching, short circuits, other electrical disturbances and mechanical breakdowns.

Check out the e-Brochure